Leadership Boost

Individual Coaching For Leaders

Individual Coaching for Leaders to Boost Performance, Impact & Energy

Our Coaching is Focused on 4 Types of Goals

Leadership Boost is a leadership development program (For CEO, directors, or managers) dedicated to improving their performance, their impact, or their energy. Our tailor-made approach is based on the idea that each leader is unique, with support adapted to the needs and objectives of each. Our coaching is focused on 4 types of goals.

1. Support Leaders in Their Role Transition

New Roles for CEOs, Directors or Managers

  • Adapt quickly by understanding your new work environment.
  • Build trusting relationships with colleagues, teams and stakeholders.
  • Understand expectations and clarify missions, responsibilities and objectives.
  • Managing the stress and overload of transition periods.
  • Contribute effectively right from the start, generating value for the company.

2. Optimize Individual Performance

  • Meet or exceed quantitative and qualitative targets.
  • Respond optimally to challenges and deal effectively with crises.
  • Take initiatives that generate maximum value for the company.

3. Improve Relationships and Behavior

  • Mitigate potentially harmful behavior towards others and the company.
  • Cultivate healthy, constructive relationships with peers and stakeholders.
  • Reinforce collaboration, collective play and team spirit.

4. Reinforce their energy & well-being

  • Strengthen and preserve your physical, emotional and mental well-being, while effectively managing stress.
  • Improve resilience and recovery to maintain energy levels.
  • Cultivate alignment between personal values and professional goals.

Our Coaching Is Based on 5 Pillars of Leadership

Our leadership coaching consists of individual sessions led by a certified coach. To help a leader achieve their goals, we focus on working on 5 essential pillars :

1. EMOTIONS / Cultivating emotional intelligence

  • Become aware of how you operate, your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Manage negative emotions and stress.
  • Identify your saboteurs and weaken them.
  • Develop self-confidence.

2. VISION / Setting goals and making decisions

  • Define clear, inspiring goals.
  • Clarify personal values.
  • Explore and understand situations.
  • Innovate and expand the field of possibilities.
  • Make informed decisions.

3. EXECUTION / Taking action, prioritizing and organizing

  • Plan
  • Taking action.
  • Prioritize tasks.
  • Organizing work.
  • Solving problems.
  • Develop agility and adaptability.

4. RELATIONSHIPS / Cultivating interpersonal skills

  • Cultivate empathy for others.
  • Develop assertiveness and maintain a balanced relationship.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Manage conflict constructively.

5. MANAGEMENT / Managing and leading a team

  • Managing performance.
  • Motivate employees.
  • Leading the collective.
  • Encouraging employee development.
  • Supporting employee well-being.

The Stages of the Leadership Boost Program

Our program consists of an assessment and individual development coaching. We provide long-term support for the development and success of leaders.



  • Understanding the context and expectations
  • Identifying the leader’s role and objectives
  • Framing with the sponsor and definition of the evaluation system


  • Complete leader assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses and development paths
  • Online questionnaires and tests
  • Individual interviews
  • Optional – Taking references


  • Leader feedback sessions
  • Presentation of strengths, weaknesses and avenues for development
  • Quantitative and qualitative results


  • Definition of a development plan and coaching objectives
  • Optional tripartite session between coach, coachee and sponsor
  • Individual coaching sessions focused on achieving objectives

Our Method for Assessing Leaders

We define a customized assessment framework based on the needs, objectives, and constraints of our clients. We can use 6 human data sources to assess leaders and identify their strengths, weaknesses, and development opportunities.

Personality Tests

Using HOGAN personality assessment tools, we identify individual strengths and weaknesses, behaviors under pressure, and the deep motivations of leaders.

Individual interviews

Through personalized sessions, we address the past, present and future of leadership. We probe their vision, aspirations and challenges to gain a holistic perspective of their role and impact.

Taking references

We can collect testimonials from 3 references to get their feedback on the leaders, their achievements, their strengths and areas for improvement.

Self-assessment of leadership skills

Using our WISDOM Index online tool, we invite leaders to assess their own skills and present themselves, offering valuable insight into their strengths and weaknesses.

Feedback 360

By integrating feedback from their N+1s, peers and N-1s, we get an overview of leadership in action, identifying areas of excellence and those in need of development.

Career and CV analysis

A leader’s career path is rich in information. By examining their trajectory, we identify key experiences, skills acquired and challenges met.

The Main Contexts of Intervention

We can intervene in various contexts to support the performance, impact, and energy of leaders.

Optimizing Leaders' Performance

Foster the personal and professional development of leaders by maximizing their performance, impact and energy to help them and their companies succeed.

Accompanying Transitions & Changes

Help leaders in transition or involved in organizational transformations to successfully navigate through change and ensure continuity and performance.

Succeeding in a New Role

Facilitate leaders’ induction by providing personalized support to help them adapt quickly, understand their environment and excel from the outset in their new role.

Bouncing back from difficulties

Helping leaders in difficulty to bounce back. Understand the reasons for their difficulties, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and design a rebound or exit plan.

Contact us

Your contact: David Chouraqui

Areas of expertise:

  • Management and governance
  • Corporate finance, M&A and private equity
  • Emotional and relational intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship and business development
  • Team well-being and performance

A former private equity investor and entrepreneur, David has been working with executives, entrepreneurs and managers for the past 11 years, helping them to manage and drive change, and to develop their businesses and teams. He specializes in coaching executives and management teams.

  • Executive coach & advisor
  • HEC Grande Ecole graduate
  • Trained in systemic coaching (Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching) and HOGAN-certified (Leadership Personality Assessments)
  • Since 2012: Founder of WINGMIND, a human capital consulting firm specializing in HR audits, assessments and executive coaching.
  • 2010-2015: Digital entrepreneur. Founder of Closing Circle, a digital media company dedicated to private equity and mergers & acquisitions, which he sold to the Leaders League media group in July 2015.
  • 2005-2010: Private equity investor. European business development manager for a US private equity firm specializing in the acquisition of technology and telecom companies
  • Since 2013: Professor of management, entrepreneurship and finance in business schools


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